Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Introducing Google Play: All the entertainment you love, anywhere you go

Starting today Google eBooks will be available on Google Play - a new place to experience books, music, movies, and Android apps and games, available anywhere you go. For users of our Google Book Search platform, we are excited to offer this seamless way to purchase and enjoy the eBooks you’ve discovered. With over 4 million titles, Google Play is your home for the world’s largest selection of eBooks. Beyond books, Google Play lets you store up to 20,000 songs for free and buy millions of new songs. It’s home to 450,000 Android apps and games and gives you access to thousands of your favorite movies for rent, including new releases and HD titles.

Learn more on the Official Google Blog.

Explore Google Play at play.google.com/about
Shop our store at play.google.com
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  1. i am utterly flummoxed. i have been using google books to view and download books (16th to the 19th C.'s) that contain significant graphic images. as of yesterday i can no longer download pdf's directly from google books. a plug in gives me much lower resolution images. despite having looked around for several hours, i cannot find anything that allows me to download full resolution pdf's of full view books. it is as if google books opened the door to the world's libraries and then put everything behind smokey glass. formally in the process of building a research program around detailed availability of hard to find books, i now despair for lack of detail. it is cruel to open the door to the promise of vanivar bush's memex, and them slam it shut. i suspect this is the unintended consequence of some technical consideration and it does not change the fact that google has ruined a promising line of inquiry. right now, it feels pretty malign.

  2. Tons of great collection of Ebook in Google play!
