Wednesday, March 26, 2008 at 2:10 PM
A few weeks ago, while I had an early version of the Google Book Search Library Gadget on my iGoogle page, I was suddenly transfixed by the fascinating cover of Shelters, Shacks, and Shanties. What was this book doing, hovering somewhere between my weather gadget and the latest news headlines?

When I use Google Book Search, I find that I regularly add books to my library. I usually don't have the time to read a book right away, and adding it to my library is an easy way to remind myself of a book that I should check out later. Since my tumble into D.C. Beard's work, I've made sure to keep on adding titles to my library -- you never know when a book might strike your fancy a second (or third, or fourth) time. Here's what the fateful library gadget looks like:

So go on, surprise yourself! You can add it to your iGoogle Page here:

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